Error code 70 – Sentinel SuperPro-NET key

Problem description #

During network usage the client PC throws an Error code 70 message at AxisVM Startup.
Licencing is done via Sentinel SuperPro-NET key technology, a standard physical protection tool for single, or multi-user network license (described in detail: User manual /chapter 2.2.1).

Reason  #

  1. If AxisVM is launched on a client computer, it begins to search the network for available network keys, checking each computer running Sentinel Pro Server. Sentinel Pro Server. Error code 70 means that the machine can not access the Sentinel SuperPro key. This is likely because of improper firewall settings, assuming the installation is done correctly.
  2. Another reason can be losing the correct information from the Sentinel Key, so the data needs to be updated.

Solution #

To check how the network dongle works, type Server IP:6002 in your browser (e.g.,
In this case, Sentinel License Monitor will appear.

The user can see something like that:

If you click on the “Keys” cell, you can check who is using the license.
Important: If the program hangs up and it can’t properly log out from the license, the license will be reserved about 1-2 minutes before it will be available again.
But you can make the license free sooner in the Sentinel License Monitor. 

Further steps:

  • Firewall settings: Enable TCP / IP and UDP protocols on ports 6001 and 6002 on the firewall to ensure network operation.
  • Improve connection speed: it is advised to create an NSP_HOST environment variable on the client machine, specifying the local network IP address of the computer with the key, e.g.: NSP_HOST = In case of more than one network key, it is possible to set the NSP_HOST1, …., NSP_HOST5 environment variables identifying computers with keys. The maximum number of keys that can be handled this way is 5.
    Under Windows 10: Open the Start Search, type in “env”, and choose “Edit the system environment variables”, click the “Environment variables…” button and set the environment variable.

If the steps above don’t solve the problem, another option is to refresh the license information according to these instructions:

  1. Use the client computer.
  2. Start RefreshNetLicenses.exe from the Refresh folder under the AxisVM folder.
  3. Choose your latest AxisVMvn_xxxx_NET_yy.key file (the actual network license file).
    In the file name:
    vn = version number (e.g. X6),
    xxxx = license number,
    yy = user number for the dongle
  4. Click “Refresh the network dongle
    If Refreshing is successful, you will get a message about it.

Troubleshooting #

If the error message still appears, it may be necessary to send a log file to the email address . Use the official troubleshooting tool of Sentinel to perform a Network test, which is available by default installation here:  C:\AxisVM X6\Sentinel\Medic\Sam131.exe